Why is it important to stay hydrated?

We all know that we need to hydrate. Drinking water is essential for our health and overall wellness. Without it, we would die in just a few days!
Water maintains proper hydration and keeps the body’s temperature in check. It makes up part of your blood volume, which helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, removes waste products, and protects vital organs.

If you don’t enjoy plain water, why not try to infuse it instead? Just add any fruits or vegetables of your choice into a jug of water and leave for a few hours or overnight to infuse. The fruits will release their natural flavours into the water, making a delicious drink that will hydrate you whilst providing added vitamins and minerals.

During the colder winter months try herbal teas, they are a great way to sneak in more plant points whilst giving you added health benefits, for example, fennel tea or peppermint is great for digestion, whilst chamomile or Passion flower help with sleep.

So try adding these simple ingredients to your next shopping list, and remember, stay hydrated!

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Food as medicine - Probiotics


Eating 30 different plants a week can boost the diversity and health of your gut microbiome.